This article is intended for:

Machinery Service Engineers

Our customer service is an open book, we present all we do and how we do it. This article is for our service engineers, to guide them for the procedures.

Allow Automatic Session Recording

We are using customized TeamViewer 12 for our remote assistance. Before you install, please ask management to create an account on TeamViewer for you as well as sign our corporation license to you, so there won’t be any time limit on usage.

Switch on Automatic Recording

Please switch on the automatic recording which when every session start, the recording will start. Here is how to switch the recording on:

Ask Customer Use Our Customized Support Software

Once you done remote assistance, you will be prompted to save a .tvs file, which is the playback file for the session recorded. Please save the file on your desktop, and upload it to our Project Management for Engineers for record keeping.

Further Read: How to upload the session recording file

Upload the .tvs Recording File

To work with our corporation licensed TeamViewer software, customer required to run our customized support software. If you already received ID/Password for connection, then you can assume customer is already use our version, otherwise you need to advice client to do so.

Further Read: How to provide remote assistance